In the middle of 3GPP meeting...

Nowadays, I have attended 3GPP meetings.
It has been 3rd times since I first go abroad to join 3GPP in Shannhai last October.

It is because the 3GPP is the end of its period that I become to think that the standardization is not quiet related to 'Advanced Research Area'.
There are so many topics even in only RAN1 area.
However, when it comes to the research topics in SAIT, only the very small area in RAN1 is related to what we have been doing in SAIT.
Most topics discussed here are signaling issues related to controling format, how to report CQI/PMI, and rank something like that.
These are quiet 'Standardization Issue', not the research issues what we have beending doing in SIAT.

Before I leave Korea, my senior boss, VP asked me to remind the purpose of the business trip.
However, whenever I have presentation for the business trip in front of him,
he asked me more than I could and more than someone could get from 3gpp RAN1 standard meeting.
I'm nowadays quiet confussed when I think the reason for the attending 3GPP.

I think this is a very good chance for me to see the 'Big Picture', comparing to staying office only.
Although I could see the 'Bigger picture' than staying office, there is the limitation.
It's really hard to satisfy the VP.
Most of all, I should decide the reason for attending standard meeting first. And then, I could insist that the attanding this meeting is good for our team.

I'm now in the middle of meeting now.
I gotta go with many thoughts.


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