Tips for Python Users

[File Read and Write]
For opening a file, we can use open and close functions similar to c programming cases.
  E.g., f = open( 'hello.txt', 'r')

[For .. in ..]
When we use for-in command, we must use : in the end of the line.
  E.g., for line in lines:

Python use similar operator with C

[Boolean operation]
In Python, we can use 'and', 'or' and 'not' directly for operation
  E.g., x or y

[True and False]
For Boolean variables, we can use True or False but not true or false

A string can be split to wrods in array form.
my_split_words = my_phrase.split()

An array can be joined into a string by the use of the join() method.

>> sentence = ["there", "is", "no", "spoon"]
>> string.join(sentence, " ")
'there is no spoon'

[Slice for list and array]
Slice commands are supported for list in Python as well as array and more advanced slice commands are supported for array similar to Matlab.

A[i][j] is used for multilayer list, A[1:2:10] is used for listing specific elements in list. In interestingly, first and last element indices can be omitted in Python such that A[:2:] then the first is 0 and the last is the number of elements.

For array, multi-dimension slice commands are supported. A[i,j,k] are indicating an element locating i, j, k position. This commands are not available for python basic list. It is only working when numpy is imported and the type of variable is set to array.


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