
Showing posts from April 14, 2013

[python][spyder] variable plotting is supported

Python - Spyder - Editor In Spyder, we can see variables as a graph. Even it saws multiple variable graph. If I select two variables at the same time, it shows graph with the assumption that one of them is x axis variable and the other is y axis variable. Unfortunately, in Ipython kernel mode, variable plotting is not supported. However, it supports other functions including saving, rename. Sypder is nearly perfect method for editing Python codes, which is especially wonderful for scientific programming users. * Subplot can be controlled in the figure panel. * Plot can be saved in the figure panel very clearly, which is almost sufficient to be used in a journal paper.  * Single plot can be also controlled by figure panel very precisely. More and more, researchers can focus on the contents while others can be helped by a lot of computation tools. It becomes like that because it is open-software. [VASTA] By the way, I download other very interesting program, which visu...

Listening Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials

I'm now listening MIT lecture for computational materials. Up to now, I don't listen English lecture because it is not easy to understand English and the quality of the technical or science lecture is not that high. Now, I found that there are many valuable English lecture and I can also most English lecture. Of cause, I need to study more for understanding contents but I can understand English speaking well. I am very happy to know this fact now. I think I can keep improving.

Farming in the 21st Century: A Woman's Perspective from South Africa

I want to share this video since it is very import for our collaboration with the world. She speaks English very well. I can understand what she is speaking.