
Showing posts from February 15, 2015

Code Chemistry - Introduction

Previously, real experimental is really important for chemistry research. It is only way to prove truth of new chemistry theory. It is still true, while computer simulation can reduce the number of experimental trials by programming and executing the reaction invoked by the new theory in a thinking machine. RDKit We use RDKit for showing about examples for code chemistry. If 'import rdkit' is not working we can refer to the following link: I found that pythonpath must be set for importing new library. The pythonpath can be set up externally or internally in Python. Example: Draw Benzene First, benzene can be defined as follows. Before defining molecule, the basic library of rdkit can be loaded using the import command.    from rdkit import Chem    m = Chem.MolFromSmiles( 'C1=CC=CC=C1') Second, the 2D coordination of the molecule can be calculated. For coordination calcula...

Some google services looks not offering to apply large-size fonts

I am using google+ and google blog in my pad. I found that there is no option to increase the font size for both services. In my case, depending on situation the font size variation is helpful.