He declares 'God is not great'

Born in UK, Christopher Hitchens, 56, was chosen as the 5th most world-wide intellectual by professional readers conducted by 2 political and diplomatic magazines last year. He is following Noam Chomsky, Umberto Eco, Richard Dawkins and Vaclav Havel. He has been staying in America since 1980s and writing columns titling 'Minority Report' in 'The Nations'. He became generally known for the author of 'Hostage to History', 'For the Sake of Argument', 'The Missionary Position' and so on. Recently, he is also acknowledged politically being a sort of 'Neocon', after continuously criticizing left-wing of Anglo-America and Islamic fundamentalism.

I am reading his book 'God is not Great', dealing with lots of gods and godness all over the world since the prehistoric age. Of cource, he mainly focuses on 2 big powers, 'Christianity' and 'Islam'. As an atheist and meterialist together with Richard Dawkins( Actually, I am sure they are not cooperating. Hitchins usually offend Dawkins ), he is a representative leader of the humanistic current suceeding Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein. He want to speak out for the value of humanists to the intelligent public. He always says that he won't flatter the public. I was starltled at his perfect refusal to religions because he was raised within various western religious cultures such as Judaism, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Baptist Church and Cavinism. His frankness and direct contempt about euphemism deserve us stunning. He confirms every religion is based on totalitarianism. Under his eyes, even Mother Teresa is just an tiny trifling mammals shaken by black money or empty reputation as well as another. He rejects and detests religions without any reservation, showing inconsistancy and contradiction of the scriptures and savagery performed under the name of the religious power. He explains that religion supports stupidity and bars us from accumulating knowledge, confining it within very private field.

Instead, he advocates the secular interests such as love, sex, music, philosophy. However, he denys giving us the reason of being. He just says that we do not have to be nihilists despite absence of god. He wishes us to emancipate from the trap to suppress human beings, muttering "El sueno de la razon produce monstros(-The sleep of reason produces monsters-Francisco Goya)".


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