Fluxus means the flow, continuous change, move in Latin. It is a international Avant-garde art movement which extended over 1960-1970.

George Maciunas created the term 'Fluxus' as the tiltle of magazine in 1962 for the purpose to acknowledge the trend refusing the traditional art form or style. Fluxus tried to be apart from the art market, mechanical style or physical aggregation. Instead, it is more psychological and liberal art group, pursuing bohemian freedom than working together for a same target. It was not a systemic organization but a sort of timely remarks for individual or outsider.

It started in German and spreaded to Japan, other European countries and America. This movement caused the interchange without border and genre. Conseqently, this groups started to form various art styles and affected to genres such as concertos, events, publications and so on later. However, generally, this was a genre-free, country-free movement and tried to develop more ideal and bigger community. At first, It was based on Dada-ism, anti-art, anti-bourgeoisie, anti-civilization . It also wanted to fight against existing rules or resist to establishing orders. These artists seperated themselves from the tradition and eliticism, High Abstract Formalism which was the mainstream, exchanging communication directly with audience through positive, aggressive performances and festivals. From their performance, art became social tools using daily behaviors, resulting in democratic communicating instrument.

They wanted to speak out against the wrong-oriented interntional politics and corrupted culture. They strived to oppose commercialism and fascim, too. And This Fluxus group bacame the foundation for Feminism, Black power, Gay Art, Muti-cultualism in 1970s


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