The gloomy fact

Do you fall in love?
Scientists analyzed the brain whose fell in love to know why they feel good when they love by MRY.
In conclusion, scientists found out that three part of the brain have a brisk response. One is the area of ventral tegmental that is down part of the brain. Here, it makes dopamine a kind of hormone. The reason why the delicious cooking smell makes our mouth water is that dopamine is activating.
However, if only ventral tegmental activates, you can not continue to love. Also, it is problem to find new love only in ecstasies by dopamine. Therefore there is the nucleus accmbens that prevents you from bing with rapture and is a little front of upper part of ventral tegmental. This tingling feeling that originates from ventral tegmental delivers over here, at that time serotonin and oxytocin kinds of hormone have a response together and stimultaneously of the two, oxytocin plays the key role to bind firmly.
In brain, the last settlement of the feeling love is caudate nuclei. That exists individually on both side of head. Each size is like a shrimp. Familiar behavior and habit stored on caudate nuclei, is not apt to be forgotten. It is due to caudate nuclei, even though the the love like flame is fade away, it transforms to a sense of duty that has to be keep very long time.
The early feeling of love like flame is likely to cold in the end. It is proved that the final goal of couple's relationship is companionate love.

You know, there is no rule without exception, but scientists believe that most love is apt to go along with casual relationship and it must be like that.


  1. But, our brain doesn't show specific operation to anyone. It works on only for a special person.


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