True tree diagram for mind-map

Tree diagram, or mind map, has been used for many areas including research, business, study. One of example programs to build tree diagrams is Freemind which is easy to use. While I use freemind, I suddenly felt that Freemind is needed to be upgrade with a new feature.

Remind that tree diagrams in Freemind resembles not full structure but only a half part of a full tree. Recent half tree form mindmaps are convenient to show various divided facts effectively. However, it is not very effective to analyze facts and to tell a story about associated actions. Now, I propose the following new usage of tree based mind-map:

True tree


  1. I like your device. It takes after the way to write an essay. First, we strive to put something in introductory part. In body part, we try to support our maintance or idea or opinion through various ground. At last, we come to produce new knowlege or information in conclusion. Your picture is smular to this way of thinking. I am facinated by new tree diagram. I'd like to study more.

  2. At first, you diffuse your thought as traditional mind mapping and next you converge your idea which is your main subject. Through this convergion, you spread new ones very freely.


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