New Blog Article

It is long to write a new blog article. I submitted it to be published now. I can edit it even if I upload it to the online blog system. Interestingly now this blog is linked to Google+, which is one of famous social networking systems.

When I write something in one system, I suddenly want to write in other systems. I think even if I write in other systems, the situation will not be changed. Just I want to pause my English writing by changing the system.

I like this blog editing system because it is so simple. I don't like a complex blog systems. Even if I can write many different formats and styles in my documentation, it makes me complicated. Regarding to word, 'complicated'. I thought the word of complicated is similar to complex initially, while I knew that complicated status represents more serious status than complex status. So, I use two words differently.

My future plan

I made my mind to be a great writer and speaker in English until this year. I think I can do it.

Moreover, I made my mind to make my body much thinner than now. I found that making body thinner is highly related to the eating foods. I will search some methods related to eating foods.

Writing method

Today, I realize how I can write well when I writer multiple topics at the same in the documentation, especially electric papers. Previously, I write multiple category items at the same time.

Python programming

I like programming so that I want to merge my programming ability with my research. Even if I am researching different topics, I want to use my writing ability. For example, I am researching on science now in which I can combine my image processing capability. I can use advanced tools as well as direct coding. If the task can be processed by direct coding, I will not use the image processing tool such as ImageJ. I don't know which is better between coding and tool. If I start to use a tool, I expect there will be limitation in my processing. I think I can do better and in detail using programming.

I think currently specialized tool can provide much efficient methods than simple programming. The coding is simple and looks to do many things if we have time and expert in writing.

Programming is also text

When I went to the library recently, I found that there is a book about code reading. I thought that coding is not similar to general text documentation. Hence, I haven't considered to read codes. 


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