Mathematical Modeling and Parameter Extraction

James S. Kim - Google+

This is the time for me to focus on what I need to do. From the last Saturday we enjoy national holidays. Now this is time to prepare for proper working after not short holidays.

I'll make some Python classes which will help to make my new model. My new model will be developed based on the analyzed scientific image.

I have thought that the parameters must be extracted first to generate a new model. Now, I realize that both tasks must perform simultaneously.

Now I build a simple model and a extract parameters and compare between the modeling results with the extracted parameters and the image value. In short, my model will show similar image using the extracted parameters and the modeled image and the real image will be compared.

The comparison can be done by second order statistics such as mean square difference between the two results with respect to the extracted parameters.

Moreover, the extracted parameters can be optimized in the direction of mean square distortion minimization.


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