An analog way to collaborate programming coding with friend

I have tried a similar way with another friend so long previously to write a code collaboratively.  At that time, I'm good at writing a code while my colleague is good at writing in English, relatively each other.

We wanted to write an English paper about the computer simulation research on wireless communications. Even if he is good at English, he also wanted to learn programming language, which is at that time, Matlab. Note that Matlab is one of the popular language and environment for numerical computation. He can write Matlab code freely quite much less than me. I checked his codes and give my comments on it. I remember that he looked happy when I gave my comments. Interestingly, I didn't realize that he was learning and teaching simultaneously with me by give-and-take fashion even if it wasn't explicitly expressed. Because of that stable formation, we was so happy together.

I met similar situation now with another colleague. He is a physicist. I'm very happy when I learn knowledge from him, who looks to me working dictionary on physics. Moreover, I thought that he is also happy because he is teaching me. We teach someone else since we are happy by admiring from the learner. However, in teaching I realize that there must be some motivational rewards.

Yesterday, I started to teach him a programming since he is only good at VASP running. He looks much happier than when he teach me only his knowledge. Now, I found that there must be some exchange between a teacher and a learner to make the system continuous and stable. For example, one can teach physics and the other teach programming vice versa for each other. This formation will be much more stable that one way teaching systems.


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