Jim Jarmusch & Murakami Haruki

Even ten years ago, I had considered Jim Jarmusch & Murakami Haruki as being eternal young men. Recently, I came to take a look at their latest pictures. And they are not any more fresh in their appearance and of course not in their works.

The name of Murakami Haruki itself has meant me youth, emptiness, nihility, vacancy since the late of 1980s. He swept the Korean reading public as well as Japanese readers. When I read his book 'Norwegian wood' 1n 1988, I also decided to be his fan forever. He had insightful and heeling ability to soothe forlorn young men who were embarrassed with new world where was about to start to be called post modernism or post industrial society. All of a sudden, How strange and unfamiliar our world looked. He had been a representative of all the wandering soul. Whenever his books were translated into Korean version, I was willing to be a busy reader. Until now, I like his book 'Hardboiled wonderland and the end of the world' which has really romantic mood and bisexual male character.

Jim Jarmusch also had overwhelmed the moviegoer public for the time being. His style, interpretation toward world seemed unique and refined. I felt the real loneliness in his movies. 'Stranger than paradise' took me the unfamiliar street I've never experienced before. We already had peculiar but popular directors like Leos Carax, Spike Lee or Wong Kar Wai. All of them used different grammar in their movies. We youngsters hailed them with acclamation. In fact, we were afraid of the unprecedented present and frustrated with unknowable life. The world of Jim Jarmusch helped us taste the inconceivable future.

They had been icons or portraits of late 80s and beginning 90s. Now They are also gaining ages like other contemporary friends. Yesterday, I watched Jim Jamusch's movie 'Permanent vacation', in times. It was directed when he was a real rookie before he debuted as a director. It was fresh at the same time out of fashioned.

They also turned established generation unexpectedly.

Revised by James, Jan 27, 2008


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