Art gallery and Auction

The tradition of Korean art gallery is very short and shallow, let alone auction. It is known that the beginning of gallery started from 1900 in Seoul. However, it is true the gallery under the modern meaning opened after 1960s in Korea.
Even though the history is somewhat poor compared with western part, we can't ignore the right function of the gallery : the exhibition, the sale of art works, the support for artists, the education for viewers and the like. The association of galleries must have been proud of its dedication to Korean art market and art level. It have connected collectors to artists and tried to show the high standard to the public. Above all, it had no an enemy or a rival to compete with for a long time.

At last it had a competitor : Art auction. Seoul auction appeared in 1998 and K-auction in 2005. Since then, galleries tended to lose its place as a main post of its field while auctions became healthy and obese. Instead, the auction started to encroach on the territory. Auction have caused sensational rage nationwide. It made people open their eyes on art as an object for investment or speculation going along with boom of international art market. Anyway it has a right to enjoy its success because it drew people to this world.

These days, galleries must have been feeling crisis. Some galleries may go through bankruptcy or financial difficulties. However, under the international view point, the advent and the leading role of the auction is unavoidable. Consequently, the gallery is in rivalry with the auction desperately.
However both of them also know it is time to cooperate with each other. They know it is easy to lead to a collapse of the whole industry.


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