New Blog Article
It is long to write a new blog article. I submitted it to be published now. I can edit it even if I upload it to the online blog system. Interestingly now this blog is linked to Google+, which is one of famous social networking systems. When I write something in one system, I suddenly want to write in other systems. I think even if I write in other systems, the situation will not be changed. Just I want to pause my English writing by changing the system. I like this blog editing system because it is so simple. I don't like a complex blog systems. Even if I can write many different formats and styles in my documentation, it makes me complicated. Regarding to word, 'complicated'. I thought the word of complicated is similar to complex initially, while I knew that complicated status represents more serious status than complex status. So, I use two words differently. My future plan I made my mind to be a great writer and speaker in English until this year. I think I ca...