
Showing posts from 2010

LMS adaptive algorithm

This LMS adaptive algorithm is simple but very powerful signal processing technique which can be used for various applications. 참조: Least mean squares (LMS) - Human Communications Wiki ( Google 사이드위키에서 보기 )

[MU-MIMO] Feedback reduction by multiuser diversity

We describe the throughput performance of user scheduling system when multiuser diversity is applied to the network.   If the number of scheduling users is K in the user scheduling network, the required feedback bits is reduced from B to B – log2 K where B is the number of feedback bits and K is the number of active users in the network.   The channel model of the uplink multiuser MIMO system is given by   y_k = H_k * x_k + n_k   where H_k is the wireless fading  channel vector for user k, x_k is the scalar transmit signal, and n_k is the noise signal vector.

Wireless System Modeling

Noise modeling n 1 , ..., n NK are independent complex Gaussian noise terms with unit variance. Fading Modeling We consider a block fading channel with iid Rayleigh fading from block to block. The channel coefficients are iid complex Gaussian with unit variance.